
.NET Rocks - Visually Debugging EF Queries with Giorgi Dalakishvili

How do you debug your EF queries? Carl and Richard talk to Giorgi Dalakishvili about his open-source Visual Studio extension, EFCore Visualizer.

Visualizing Database Query Plans

Learn what a query plan is, how to view EF Core query plan in LINQPad, find missing indexes, and improve performance of your queries.

Updating LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer for LINQPad6 And Entity Framework Core

LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer is a custom visualizer for LINQPad that shows a database query plan inside LINQPad. It also shows missing indexes for the query that you can create directly from LINQPad. Since then, a new major version, LINQPad 6, was released that targets .NET Core 3 and .NET 5 and uses Entity Framework Core (as well as LINQ-to-SQL) for running Linq queries. To support these changes, I have just released a new version of LINQPad.

Introducing LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer

If you are a heavy LINQPad user you have probably wished to be able to see query execution plan details inside LINQPad. Currently the only way to view query execution plan is to switch to SQL tab, click Analyze SQL button and open the query in SQL Server Management Studio. I got tired of clicking all these buttons and decided to write custom visualizer which solves the issue. With LINQPad.QueryPlanVisualizer you can now view query execution plan and missing indexes as well as create those missing indexes without leaving LINQPad.